Pick 1 Apple product that sucks...
If you were asked to pick
one product by Apple that really sucked, present or past, what would it be? For me, it's veeeeeeeeeery clear now. I recently bought a so-called "Mighty Mouse". But Apple has done
everything wrong about it - period.
First: So they did
not want to admit that two buttons might be the norm now. So they had to invent themselves around a tree to come up with something that JUST DOESN'T WORK right. One button acting as two? Well, Steve: No, it's
not easy to right-click on the Mighty Mouse. I'd go as far as saying it's disruptive in the work process. How many times have I left-clicked on something when I really wanted to right-click? I've used the MM for about a month now, and I'd say it's about 300 times. About a 100 times, the left-click did something I had to undo afterwards. I'd say it's actually easier to use the Ctrl-button and just turn the second mouse button off. One button lost.
But not only that, it's also not easy to drag and drop with the Mighty Mouse - unless the destination is only 200px away that is. So you lift a file from the Desktop, move it 250px and accidentally squeeze the mouse, activating Dashboard or whatever you have set the squeeze button to act like, the file's dropped wherever the cursor just was. Hm. Another button lost. And even if you turn squeeze-action off, it's
still not straight-forward how to drag&drop, because the mousebutton (i.e. the entire face of the mouse) is easily "unclicked" automatically. Bad, bad, bad.
Then: The wheel. Well, ball. Hm. Tiiiiiiiiiny ball. It works alright, meaning you get used to it after, say, three weeks or so. You get carpal tunnel after 4
more weeks, I guess, but it's not like MM was advertised as something which is good against stress, right?
The overall feel of the mouse is mushy. If you go back to, say, a normal two-button mouse with scrollwheel, nothing fancy, just a cheap Logitech or Microsoft mouse, even a no-name one would do - it's like suddenly seeing again after having been blind for a couple of years. Suddenly, the mouse works again as intended!
Apple: Here you
really lost the ball. I mean the iMac's puck was not the best idea, but actually I get less strain on my hand from that than from the MM.
Sorry for the longish text, but I just switched my mouse back to what I had before the MM, and wanted to inform the world how
really bad the MM sucks. Pfui.