Jobs' jobs...
Remember when Steve Jobs announced that Disney's ABC TV shows came to iTunes Music Store and the iPod video? They were joking on stage about the Pixar-Disney relationship. This is kind of a long story, though. Pixar's been working with Disney for twelve years, and at several points in time, there were rumours that Disney would buy Apple, but recently there have been new twists. Like Steve Jobs becoming chairman of Disney. Or the WSJ today saying that Disney's trying to buy Pixar. Either way: It seems that after all, Pixar probably
will stay connected to Disney one or the other way, even after "Cars", the last production in the current (ended) Pixar-Disney contract.
Personally, I was hoping that Pixar would find a way to not only create family-entertainment, but more serious 3D animation films, too. Not that I dislike what Pixar's done so far. But I
do see potential in Pixar that Disney just wouldn't let happen under their reign.
But even if Disney buys Pixar and Steve becomes chairman at Disney, I guess it would only mean good news for Apple's iTunes and iPod. Or would such a position of Jobs endanger future deals with
other companies? Time will tell...