This past weekend has brought us a lot of commentary on Apple's move to intel. Too much of it, really. AMD's in the picture now, too, with rumours of Apple-AMD talks. And some WIRED commentary thinks Apple will use the vapourware QuickTransit emulator, which "can" emulate PowerPC code on X86 hardware "without a performance hit". *cough*. Sure: And we'll fly in starhips next month, beam people around the world and compress files from 10 MB to 1 or 2 KB without losing information etc. *cough*.
I say: Let's now wait for Steve Jobs. In about 9 hours from now (19.00 CET) he will enter the stage at WWDC and let the cat out of the bag. Or not. We'll see.
Btw.: We'll have live coverage - as always. The
link is already active and the page is already reloading every minute, but please don't keep it open just yet, as it'd only abuse our server. ;) After the keynote ends, we'll bring the news over here to's main page and will disable the live feed page.